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Melayu actually comes from borneo Scientists are now beginning to discover that based on the science of linguistics as well as by utili...

Suku Melayu

Melayu actually comes from borneo

Scientists are now beginning to discover that based on the science of linguistics as well as by utilizing the science of archeology there are many similarities that emerged between the user's language in the archipelago and other areas such as Filipinos, Thailand, and Brunei Ma dealt a disastrous blow. 

Notherfer Bernd (1996) for example says that by looking at the diversity of languages ​​is very high Melayik located on the western island of Borneo, it was concluded that the island of Borneo should be recognized as a land of Malay origin.

According Benrd found evidence to prove the hypothesis that the origin of Borneo as a land of Malay language can be viewed with 3 (three) variants tracker.
The first is to look at the use of language dialect, Second by observing the survival of an ancient language element is retained and the third is the view of the element of diversity (highest order of diversity), that land of origin of a family lies in the areas of language most diverse dialects.

Other evidence used to triangulate the origin of the Malays is to examine the migration patterns of land Proto Malay origin who perform well spread to different areas at once or gradually migrate. Tracking the migration patterns of the Malays in Southern Thailand (Urak Lawai Malai), the Malays in South Filipinos (Mindanao), or even less how the patterns of migration to the territory Banjar Malays Tembilahan before the colonial period.

Bernd Notherfer Proto Malay studies are important to start by analyzing isolek, dialect speakers of the language by borrowing Adelaar (1992) called 'Language Melayik Ancient' which he included in a subgroup of the Austronesian languages ​​such as Iban dialect, Sambas, Sarawak, Brunei, Berau, Kutai , Banjar, Ketapang, Bangka, Minangkabau, Jambi, Baku and Jakarta Malay.

By using the approach of the high diversity of users of the dialect, it was in the West Kalimantan there are differences between each other such as the Sarawak, Sambas., Iban, and Kendayan Selako so the area can be referred to as the origin of the Malays.

This opinion is supported also by Blust (1988) and Adelaar (1992). Adelaar even reject the hypothesis that the origin of the Malay lands located in the Malay Peninsula. It is also important to unravel some instances the use of language or words contained in the multiple users of different languages ​​in the region. Some katab that have the same meaning even though the pronunciation, intonation, dialect experience the difference.

The use of words such Stuttering found in Sarawak, Iban, Brunei, Berau and the Banjar, which means fumbling. Lanji word is also used in Sarawak, Iban, Brunei, Berau and the Banjar, which means relating to women's behavior impolite. Linggar word is also used in Sarawak, Iban, Brunei, Berau and the Banjar, which means easy to roll. Dudi said, its use in the area of Sarawak, Iban, Selako, Katepang, Berau, City Build and Banjar, which means later (Banjar: "Ulun explosives tulak pilgrimage baimbai umanya Dudi Aluh year. ').


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