”Carilah ilmu sejak dari buaian hingga ke liang lahat”. (Al Hadits)

Sentarum Lake National Park is located in the district of West Kalimantan Province Kapuas Hulu. It lies approximately 700 kilom...

Danau Sentarum

Sentarum Lake National Park is located in the district of West Kalimantan Province Kapuas Hulu. It lies approximately 700 kilometers from Pontianak. The administration area includes 7 (seven) District of the District of Batang Lupar, Badau, Embau, Bunut Downstream, Suhaid, Selimbau and Semitau District.

The high rainfall greatly affect Sentarum Lake National Park. With the location and condition are located in the middle of the mountain range make this area as a water catchment area. In rainy season the lakes in the area of ​​Lake Sentarum will be flooded, due to the flow of water from the surrounding hills and from the overflowing river that goes into the Kapuas.
Approximately 9 -10 months of the year that the condition is largely the lowlands of the basin (lowlands lebung) will be submerged to a depth of 6-14 m. While in the long dry season most of the dry lake, a river channel and the only permanent lake is still filling with water.

Based on the data recorded, to date there are 675 (species) belonging to the 97 tribes (families). These data are not yet terinventarisir all tree species are mainly located in lowland forest hills, and the types of orchid and type parasites. Of these 33 species are endemic and 10 type is a new kind.

plant species found include: Dichilanthe borneensis, Menungau (Vatica menungau), Putat (Baringtonia acutangula), Wood Year (Carallia bracteata), Rengas (Gluta Rengas) Kawi (Shorea

balangeran), Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus), Ransa (Eugeissona ambigua) and sebagainya.Dan most impressive in the region of Lake Sentarum are the same plant species endemic plants in the Amazon by the local community called pungguk tree.

Fauna in the lake is also a wide range including:


fish in the lake Sentarum there were 265 species. For example, fish Linut (Sundasalax cf. Microps), fish Tapah (Wallago leeri), fish Toman, Lais, Belida, Jelawat and Patin, fish Ulanguli (Botia macracantho) and fish Siluk Super Red (Scleropages formosus).


Sentarum Lake National Park has 147 species of mammals, including 67% of the 222 species of mammals are found in Kalimantan. Most types of mammals in this region are endemic species, such as the proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus), Kepuh (Presbytis melalaphos cruniger), orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) TanganHitam agile gibbon (Hyobates agilis), Kelempiau Kalimantan (Hylobates muelleri), Clouded Tiger ( Neofelis nebulosa) and about 23 related species.


In Lake Sentarum there are 31 species of reptiles group, eight of which are protected species such as estuary crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), Crocodile Senyulong (Tomistoma schlegelli), Labi-Labi, Snake, Lizard and others, even Crocodile Frog Rabin or crocodile (Crocodylus raninus) in Asia has been declared extinct since 150 years ago is estimated to still be found in this region.

To reach the National Park Danua Sentarum by plane from Pontianak to Kapuas Hulu, then from the Nanga Suhaid Putussibau using Speedboad for 5 hours or using a motor bandung for 1 day. For lodging easily met in Lanjak, Semitau, and Selimbau. If you want to stay in lanting (floating hotels) can be found in the area Semitau.

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